Monday, May 14, 2018

~Las Vegas Easter Showdown Basketball Tournament~

Now that the Weber High School Basketball season is officially over, Jerry thought it would be fun to get our Warriors team back together for a basketball tournament in Las Vegas.  Our little family decided to fly instead of drive to Vegas.  It really was fun to get away even though it was just for a couple of days.
Kids and their technology!!!
The first morning, we decided since we had a couple hours to kill, we'd go down to the pool and enjoy the Vegas sunshine (Dave hit the blackjack table).  We relaxed and enjoyed our Pina Coladas by the pool.
After soaking up some sun (and getting a little bit burnt), we headed to watch the boys play a couple of games.  They played some pretty tough teams from Vegas, Arizona, and California but the boys played great together and had a lot of fun. That night we walked the strip for a bit and then everyone went up to the top of the Stratosphere to ride the rides.  We really enjoy getting together with these families.
My kids were amazed at the giant sized candy, lol.
We talked Lexi into going on the Big Shot at the top of the Stratosphere.  She was NOT happy, lol.
She cried after she got done with the ride and said she was NEVER going to do that again.  But after about 10 minutes she said it was "kindof" fun, lol.  I'm proud of her for being brave and doing it.  Luckily we didn't have early morning games the next day, because we stayed up way too late riding rides. The boys continued to play well the following day and played against some pretty tough teams.  They played together really well and won the Gold bracket!!! Whoo-hoo!!! Way to go Warriors!!!
The championship game was a really fun game to watch.  At half time we were only up by 2 points.  It was a super close game.  The crowd was going nuts and super loud.  Hunter said it really pumped the boys up.  That 2nd half the boys took it away and ended up winning by 25.  The other team was NOT happy that a bunch of "white boys" beat them, lol.
Hunter played awesome in the championship game.  He was the top scorer with 19 points, 3 assists, and 3 steals.  The other teams kept commenting that our team had no weak links, which is what made us so good.  This is  a great group of boys and they play as a team, so it makes it fun to watch them.
#1 Baby!!!!
Garrett and Johnny were so cute to help Jerry and Dave coach these boys.  After the game, Garrett kept insisting that they won the game because of him, lol.  He told us all that he told the boys to "Focus on the ball, Focus on the basket"  and that's what they did, so Garrett won them the game, lol.  I love that he loves to watch his brother play, and that he is buddies with all these boys.
The whole group.
Jasmin's team also won 1st place in her pool.

This trip was way too short.  It really was so nice to get away.  We tried to extend our trip, but the change in airfare was a ton, so we came home.  Next time we will definitely make the getaway longer.

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