Wednesday, May 16, 2018

~Happy 13th Mckell~

This year Mckell's birthday fell on a Sunday, so we decided to celebrate all weekend.  On Saturday, we took her to the restaurant of her choice, Kobe, and let her open all of her birthday gifts.
Dave surprised her with an apple watch.
and a phone.
The morning of her actual birthday, we did our annual breakfast in bed.  We sure do love this girl!

Jerry and Darinda stopped by after church to bring Mckell balloons, presents, and to take her for a ride in the corvette.

We ended the day with a birthday party for both Mckell(13) and Grayson (2) His birthday was the next day.
Mckell is such a sweet girl.  She is always smiling and always willing to help out with her siblings.  They absolutely love her.  She is smart, a good student, kind, a good dancer, nice to everyone, and a good mother to her baby, Buddy, lol.  We don't know what we would do without Mckell.  She is our best friend!!!

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