Friday, May 18, 2018

~If At First You Don't Succeed, Try Try Again!

Mckell wanted to run for student government again for her 8th grade year.  She had so much fun being involved in 7th grade and had made some really great friendships.  Dave helped her come up with her campaign posters.  They turned out really cool.
For one poster she did an Avengers theme.  It said "Vote Mckell.  Let her fight for another great year"
For her second poster she did a Fortnight themed poster (Fortnight is a video game that is super popular right now).  This poster said "For 8th grade office VOTE MCKELL.  Let Mckell battle for another great year.

I was a little concerned with the gun in this one.  I didn't know what the school would say about it and I was right.  They made her cover it up, so she and I covered it making it look like she was holding a bouquet of flowers, lol.

Mckell made primary elections so we got to make another poster, lol.  This time we went with a cowgirl theme to play off the last name "Rope"lato.
This one said "Vote Mckell and let her Rope up another great year"  She didn't end up making 8th grade office and was super bummed, we all were.  She got a lot of love from all of her friends though, which made the hurt less hard.  Girls were texting her all night, bringing her treats, and saying they were so sorry.  Little acts of kindness really do brighten people's days, and this experience made Mckell realize this.  I hope she never forgets this lesson.  I told her that she could stay home from school the following day, but she said that she would just go.  She said that she just needed to get it over with.  She knew people would say things to her, and that it would be hard not to cry when they brought it up, but she just needed to tough through it and get it done.  I was so proud of her for her courage.  She really is an amazing girl!  And she took this loss as a lesson.  She said that this year she is going to be more outgoing and friendly, and that may help her make it into office the next year.  Way to go Mckell for staying positive.  You are an example to me. :)

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