Tuesday, January 2, 2018

~Happy 15th Birthday Hunter!~

15 Years Old!!!!  It's crazy that my baby boy is 15 years old.  We celebrated his special day by going to see Jumanji in the morning, he went to basketball practice in the afternoon, and we'd planned to take him to dinner at Rodizio Grill in Salt Lake but Dave ended up going to the ER because he passed out at work (it seems to be becoming a tradition that Dave is in the hospital on Hunters birthday.  I think this is the 3rd time) so we ended up taking Hunter the following day, so it all worked out.
Happy Birthday Hunter!!!  He is such a kind, smart, talented young man.  He has finally outgrown his Dad in height (he passed me long ago).  He is over 6 ft.  He still plays basketball all the time and even made the high school sophomore team as a freshman, which keeps him extremely busy.  I hope you had a great birthday! We love you Hunter!

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