Sunday, January 21, 2018

~Hawaii Vacation~ Day 3~

One thing Mckell wanted to do while we were in Hawaii was to take surf lessons, so we got up bright and early to head to the beach for her lesson.  I figured the kids could play on the beach while she learned to surf.  But while at the surf shop, they talked Lexi into taking lessons too.  She was extremely nervous, and really didn't want to do it but was so glad she did in the end.
The girls getting a quick course on what to do.
All ready to head to the beach to surf :)
Lexi's instructor was Big Wave Dave himself, the owner of the surf shop.
Lexi started off with her instructor on the board with her, but she was doing so well he told her she could do it on her own.  She did amazing!
Mckell made it look so easy, although she said it wasn't.  And she said it is nothing like surfing behind the boat.
Both of these girls had a blast surfing, and were so proud of themselves for being able to get up.  Way to go girls!!!
It was such a nice day, we decided to stay and play at the beach for a few hours.
Lexi and Garrett doing exercises on the beach (don't know where they got this from, lol)
After playing at the beach for a few hours we headed up to the Polynesian Cultural Center for a luau and show.
There must have been something in the pineapple smoothie because Garrett started acting like a "scary bird" for most of the pictures. lol!!! Boys!!!
The kids were excited to get fake tattoos in the island of Figi.

We talked Lexi into going up on stage to do the hula.  She was a little embarrassed.  Before the main show at the Polynesian Cultural Center we had an hour to kill, so we decided to go and see the Hawaiian temple.  Mckell really wanted to go and do baptisms there, but they were closed for a few weeks for cleaning.  We will just have to come back another time ;)
 Don't mind Garrett.  He was all pictured out.
It was another fun filled day.  We were exhausted by the end.

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