Saturday, January 20, 2018

~Hawaii Vacation~ Day 2~

Since we only had a few days on the island, we knew we needed to make the most of every minute.  On the second day of our trip we got up bright and early to go parasailing.  Garrett and Lexi were so nervous because Dave had told them we were all going 1000 ft in the air.  But they were tough, and loved every minute of it.
Lexi wasn't sure she wanted to get wet, Mckell was all for it, lol.
They both had a blast in the air. This was one of their favorite things of the entire trip.
Garrett said he was like Iron Man up in the air.  I'm so glad he didn't chicken out on going.  After our trip we were able to feed the fish at the dock.  We saw a huge eel come out for the food.  Crazy!
The man that picked us up from out hotel gave all us girls flowers to wear in our hair.  He also gave us specific instructions to wear them on the left side.  That meant we were taken.  He said to NOT wear it on the right side because that meant we were single and ready to mingle.  He was funny, but so nice.  Thanks for the advice!!!

After our fun parasailing trip we got lunch and headed to visit Pearl Harbor.  Lexi is reading a book for school about the attack on Pearl Harbor, so she was especially excited to visit there.  We also watched some of the movie at home the night before so they kind of understood what the attack was like (from a Hollywood perspective).
The kids standing in front of the model that Grandpa Ropelato's company, White Clouds, printed for the museum.  So cool to be able to tell them that this was what their Grandpa made.
At the Arizona Memorial.  It was cool that you could still see oil bubbling up from all those years ago.
After visiting the Arizona Memorial, we went and toured a submarine to see what Great Grandpa Ropelato had actually lived on.
Garrett liked the big guns.
You'd think that we'd be exhausted by now with all that we've done today, but we weren't done.  We decided to hit a beach on the West side of the island to watch the sun set.  We went to Makaha Beach.  The waves were pretty big, but the kids had fun playing along the shore.  Garrett got pulled in one time, thank goodness Mckell grabbed his life jacket to save him from being pulled in.  A life guard came and warned us that the riptide was pretty strong just off shore so to stay close to the shore.  I'm so glad he warned me, however it made me super nervous about them playing in the water after that.  But they had a blast and it was fun watching the surfers in the big waves.
The beach was gorgeous, and surprisingly it was super quiet.

Watching the sunset on the beach was the perfect end to a perfect day.  I love spending time with these 3.  Although I really wish Hunter and Dave could have joined us (Hunter couldn't because he's on Weber High's basketball team and Dave has a lot going on at work).  Them being here really would have made the day perfect.

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