Saturday, January 20, 2018

~Hawaii Vacation~ Day 1~

I have been in a funk lately.  Dave knew I needed to get away.  He decided to send me and my girls to Hawaii for a few days to get some sun and relaxation.  Although, he didn't know what to do with Garrett so he sent him along with us on our girls trip.  We left our house at 3am to head to the airport for our flight and I learned something new.  When we went to go through security it was closed, lol.  I didn't know that they closed security.  Luckily we only had to wait 15 minutes for it to open and were the first in line to go through.  It was a long flight but the kids enjoyed it (all because they had their own little tvs to watch whatever shows they wanted.  Such a life saver?)
When we landed in Honolulu, we headed straight for Waikiki Beach.  They kids had fun playing in the sand and waves.  I took a nap, lol.
Lexi ended up crashing too, lol.  I always knew Lexi talked in her sleep but I realized that she also sleep walks.  She was sleeping on the beach, when all of a sudden she got up.  I assumed she was just going to find some food in our bag, but when I turned around she was sitting on someone else's towel wiping her hands and almost trying to dig.  I asked her what she was doing and she looked at me and said she was cold.  I told her that wasn't our stuff and she gave me a weird look but just sat down on their towel and continue to wipe her hands and dig.  The woman asked if she was looking for something, but Lexi didn't answer her.  I started laughing so hard because Lexi was so out of it.  It's not funny but it was.  It took her about 10 minutes to come to and when I told her what she had done she was so embarrassed.  We will never let her live this down.  I guess we'd better start watching her for sleep walking.
By the end of the day we were all exhausted.  Let the fun begin!

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