Tuesday, January 2, 2018

~New Years Eve Party~

This year since New Years Eve was on a Sunday we really didn't plan our usual party with all the neighbors.  We figured we'd just be low key and do something with just our little family.  Dave ran up to Evanston to get some fireworks, a bought a few things to eat, and we had a few games planned with just our little family, however that plan changed Sunday at church.  One of our neighbors told Dave that his kids were super bummed that they weren't invited to the party this year.  Dave let him know we didn't plan anything since it was on a Sunday night, but as the morning went on Dave started thinking maybe we should have our usual party.  He pulled the kids out of their classes during Sunday school and asked them what they thought about us having some of the neighborhood families over.  They were all for it.  So Dave sent out a text inviting several families on our street.  I guess it is good that I've been stocking up on candy bars, chips, soda, etc because we had plenty of food for a party, plenty of candy bars for the candy bar game, and we even had plenty of quarters for the quarter game.  We were all set.

Mckell was pretty stoked that she won the quarter game.  Whoo-hoo!!!
We ended the night with a pretty amazing firework show!  I'm so glad these families were able to make it, even though it was last minute.  It's always fun to ring in the new year with friends.

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