Monday, January 22, 2018

~Hawaii Vacation~ Day 4~

Today was our last day in Hawaii :(  It was a really quick trip, but we did a lot.  Today we went swimming with the dolphins and whale watching.  It was amazing!!!  Our tour bus picked us up at 5:20 am.  Yes 5:20 am.  It was still pitch black outside.  But was cool because we were able to watch the sun rise out on a boat in the ocean.
Yes we are in wet suits.  It was so cool this morning I opted to splurge and get us all wet suits.  When the sun came out we really didn't need them, but I guess they were still nice to have for the morning boat ride.
We saw all kinds of sea animals on this excursion.  We saw seals, turtles, dolphins, spinner dolphins, and whales.  Definitely a perfect way to end our trip.
When we found a pod of dolphins, we stopped the boat and all jumped in.  It was amazing!  The dolphins were swimming all around us, right next to us.  It totally creeped Lexi and Garrett out though.  They didn't like it one bit.  In fact, the minute that they saw that the dolphin were feet from us, they both cried and wanted back in the boat, lol.  Garrett swore he saw a shark. :)
Our tour group.

After our Dolphin Excursion, we headed back to Waikiki Beach one last time before heading home.
We were so sad to have to leave.
We were sad to leave, but we missed Dave, Hunter, and Buddy.  After landing home in Salt Lake (the red eye flight, which is horrible), I found out that we had just missed a Ballistic Missile Alert that went to everyone in Hawaii that told them that a missile was heading their way and to get somewhere safe.  Then in caps it said THIS IS NOT A DRILL.  I guess people were running around crying, calling their loved ones back at home telling them goodbye and that they loved them, throwing their kids in man holes, and running for the tunnels.  I am SO GLAD I missed that.  I wouldn't have even had any clue what to do.  I was freaking out on where I was supposed to take the rental car, I can't even imagine what I would have done.  I am so grateful I missed it.  Luckily, it was just a mistake.  It came out that someone accidentally pushed a button, but it took the government 30 minutes to let everyone know it was a false alarm.

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