Sunday, July 5, 2015

~Bishopric Getaway~

As a bishopric, Dave, Slade, and Scott planned a Bishopric Weekend Getaway with families.  It is nice for these 3 to get away and talk about stuff other than church.  The Opheikens family graciously hosted the weekend up at their cabin in bear lake.  We had a lot of fun playing games, riding razors, and playing at the lake.  It was the perfect getaway.
The trail was a little dusty. :)  We all pretty much looked like this, except for Slade and Vicki (they were at the front of the line)

There was a cute little bench at the top of the  mountain overlooking the lake.  It really was a gorgeous view.
Hunter was supposed to be in this picture, but for whatever reason, lately he doesn't like me taking pictures of him.  Everytime I get the camera out, he walks the other way.  The little stink pot!
Our fun game of Bingo.  Lexi was the first winner and ended up taking the Milk Duds, which was the candy Mindy wanted.  But she did end up sharing them with Mindy.

We had fun building sand castles, riding paddle boards, and splashing in the freezing cold water :)
We all decided that we need to plan these little getaways more often.  We had a blast!

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