Monday, July 20, 2015

~Park City Getaway~

We really haven't done a getaway with just our little family, so we planned one for the weekend up to Park City.  Dave doesn't really have much time off with all the Youth Camps he is doing this summer, so we made due and went somewhere close, where he could still go into work and just meet up with us later.  It was a fun little trip to Park City.  We all wished we could have stayed longer.
We headed up Thursday evening and drove around, ate dinner, and played at the pool.  Friday, while Dave was at work, we hit the outlet malls.  We shopped the entire day, lol.  I was surprised how much fun the kids had doing this.  I was really surprised at how good Garrett and Lexi were.  We literally walked the entire day, and there were no complaints from any of them.  I think Dave was glad he missed our day of shopping though.
We got silly taking pictures as we waited for Hunter to try on clothes.  He was in heaven at the Under Armor, Nike, and Adidas outlets.  It was funny because he was the one we waited on the most.
After a full day of shopping, we met up with Dave to eat at The Rodizio Grill.  Our family loves that place and we haven't been there forever.
Hunter checking out all that he'd boughten.  It's so funny cause last year he could have cared less about this stuff.  I guess that means he's growing up :(

This is where the kids started the night at.

This is where they ended up, lol.  I have no idea how Garrett ended up in the bed between Mckell and Lexi.  Hunter must pushed him out of bed, lol.
Saturday morning we headed to the Olympic Park to watch the Olympic ski show.  It was fun to watch them do tricks into the water.

We then headed to try out the Alpine Slides and Zip Lining.  It was a lot of fun!
Hunter and Mckell are the 2 little dots in the sky.
Mckell was a little slow going down the slides, lol, but she was nothing compared to Lexi. As Hunter, Mckell, and Dave went down the big zip line, Lexi, Garrett, and I decided we'd go down the Alpine slide.  Lexi was tall enough to ride alone.  She insisted to go down behind me, so I could be there when she got off.  I agreed (but shouldn't have).  She got scared going down alone, so she completely stopped.  The boy behind her ended up running into her which scared her to death, and she started screaming.  But still kept her break on so she didn't move.  Then the boys brother came and hit into him, which hit into Lexi again.  She cried harder.  Then their sister came down and Lexi ended up climbing on with her.  She cried the whole way down.  I was a little freaked out when it took forever for her to come down and then to see that her sled was empty.  The worker was a little freaked out too.  But here came Lexi 3 sleds behind.   She said she is not doing that alone again, lol.  Maybe in a year or 2.

Dave going down.
We had such a fun little get away.  It went way too fast!  I love this family of mine!!!

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