Monday, July 6, 2015

~The Fourth~

It has been a tradition, since the kids were little, for them to ride in the Children's Cherry Days parade.  I was a little sad this year that both Mckell and Lexi were going to be in the big parade with their dance group, therefore wouldn't be able to be in the kids parade.  But I was glad that Hunter still rode in it with Garrett. Garrett rode his Razor with Paisley.

These were the candy collectors this year :) Zoee, Brinkley, Paislee, and Garrett

The girls were exhausted by the time they got back to our spot, lol
After the parade, we headed to see a movie.  Hunter decided to go to North Shore with friends instead of going to see Inside Out with us. :(
It was a pretty eventful evening.  We had my parents, Richard and Cassie, and Marc and Randee over for a BBQ and fireworks.  After the North Ogden City Fireworks, we headed back to our house for fireworks of our own.  Dave bought a ton of fireworks.  The 2nd firework we lit off tipped over and shot a firework at our neighbors house, spun and shot another firework at an empty lot by us, then spun and shot another in our direction.  We all jumped up and ran.  When the explosions stopped we saw that the empty lot had started on fire.  Everyone scrambled to put it out.  Dave and Marc ran to one fire and tried stomping it out.  It was pretty big.  Richard ran to the other fire and tried getting that out.  Luckily we had 2 neighbors that just happened to be at the right place at the right time.  Our neighbor Kevin had just walked out to watch the firework show and saw the fire.  He immediately ran to his hose on the side of his yard and put one of the fires out.  Another neighbor, Brandt just had gotten home from the cities fireworks and was walking past his garage when he saw the fire.  He also had a hose to the back of his yard and was able to put out the 2nd fire.  We were so lucky.  Randee had the phone ready to call 911, because the fire just kept getting bigger and bigger.  Luckily we didn't have to end up doing that.  But that didn't end our fun.   A little later a crazy neighbor, that lives behind us down the street, I guess didn't like all the fireworks going off.  They were everywhere all around us.  I guess he started yelling at the top of his lungs, in our direction all sorts of obscenities about us Mormons and all our kids?  He wasn't all there (high/drunk we weren't really sure which but he was on something).  We didn't hear him, luckily, we were having too much fun.  Our next door neighbor did and told him to be quiet, this riled him up even more and he started yelling obscenities at her.  A little bit later he came walking down the middle of the street waving an American flag and proceeded to swear at us about keeping him awake.  Apparently he had to get up at 5:00am.  I understand that he wanted to go to sleep, but it is the 4th of July and we aren't the only ones doing fireworks.  They were exploding all around us.  He got very belligerent, so Dave told him if he didn't leave, Dave would call the cops.  Our other neighbor did call the cops and they visited Lyle (aka crazy neighbor), which sent them to our house after.  Luckily we had already stopped, cleaned up, and everyone was gone before the cops arrived.  But they did arrive,  3 of them.  What a way to end the night.  The cops were very nice.  They told us that it was the 4th of July so they were ok with us lighting fireworks, but glad to see that we had already stopped so this crazy neighbor could go to sleep.  As they talked to us, fireworks continued to go off around town.  Fun haters really upset me.  Really?  It's a holiday.  Lighten up.  Needless to say, it was quite the eventful night, and we still have TONS of fireworks to light off.  I'm sure when we do, it will really upset this neighbor of ours, lol.  Oh well!  He'll have to get over it.
Zoee was nice and comfy for the firework show.  Mckell, not so much, lol.  Even though it was a little crazy at the end.  We had a really fun 4th of July.

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