Sunday, November 9, 2014

~The World Would Be a Better Place~

This year for the reflections contest the theme was "The World Would Be a Better Place If. . ."  Mckell and Lexi both participated in reflections (I tried to get Hunter to do something but he just said, "I'm Good".  That seems to be his phrase lately.)  Lexi drew a picture.  Her theme was "The world would be a better place if everyone stopped and enjoyed the world around them.  If they stopped and looked at how beautiful the world is, they would be happy."
Mckell chose to choreograph a dance this year.  The song she chose to dance to was "Happy" by Pharrell Williams.  Her theme was "The world would be a better place if everyone was happy".  She ended up winning and her project will move on to council level.  Way To Go Mckell!!!  It's funny, because Mckell's art has moved on to council all 3 years she has participated.  She told me that it is in her blood, lol.
We are so proud of both of our girls!

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