Tuesday, November 25, 2014

~6th Grade Fieldtrip to Clark Planetarium~

This may have been my last fieldtrip with Hunter, so I absolutely had to make an effort to go with his grade to Salt Lake to visit the Clark Planetarium.  We had fun riding front runner down to Salt Lake, learning about space, then getting lunch in the food court at Gateway.  And what made it even better, was that Hunter actually sat by me for the movies, waited for me while we explored the museum, and walked with me to the Gateway.  I honestly wasn't sure if this was going to happen.  I remember when I went on a fieldtrip with him when he was in 2nd grade, he wanted nothing to do with me.  He wouldn't sit by me, walk with me, or even acknowledge that I was there.  So today was a pleasant surprise.
Hunter with some of his classmates on Frontrunner.

It was fun spending the day with my Hunter!  He is growing up way too fast!!!

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