Saturday, November 22, 2014

~Family Vacation To Disneyland- Day 1~

It has been forever since our family has taken a vacation with just our family, so I was so excited to go spend a few days together at Disneyland.  I love Disneyland!  The weather was perfect (70+ degrees), the lines were great (waited an average of 15 minutes per ride), and everyone had a great time.
Even though Hunter doesn't look excited, he really was :)
For the school fundraiser, Melyn and Davis won a ride in a limo to McDonalds for lunch.  They each got to invite a guest.  Lexi was super bummed to find out that she wasn't going to be around to ride with Melyn.  In fact, she was in tears, so Dave decided to surprise all the kids with a limo ride from the airport.  He told the secret to Mckell on the plane.  That is why she is super excited in this picture.
The kids thought this was great.  There was strobe lights inside the limo, a fireplace, and a place out back where you could sit outside.  They felt like movie stars, lol

Our driver Tony, was nice and took a family picture by the limo.
 The weather was so nice, so we decided to go take a dip in the pool. 
The kids thought this was great, especially cause we left freezing temperatures back in Utah.  A great way to start out our family trip!

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