Tuesday, November 11, 2014

~Happy Veteran's Day~

Hunter's 6th grade put on a special veterans' day program today at school.  We invited Grandpa Ropelato who served in the Navy to join us.  It was fun to have a veteran there with us to listen to the program.  The 6th grade was so cute.  As they sang one of the songs, they had the veteran's stand when they heard the song about them and where they served.  It brought tears to my eyes to see all the different men and women stand for air force, navy, national guard, marines, etc.  And when they stood, everyone clapped.  It was very touching.  During another song they had all the veterans stand again, and they gave each one of them a card and a treat thanking them for their service.  I think it meant a lot to Grandpa, I could see that he got a bit teary eyed (so did I).  I hope Hunter realizes how lucky he is to have his Great Grandpa still around who can come to support him in things like this.  I think it is so cool.
After the program, a lady came up to Grandpa and introduced herself as a reporter for the Standard Examiner.  She had gotten a picture of Grandpa and asked if she could get his name to post his picture in the paper tomorrow :)  We will watch for that.  It was also fun to walk the halls of the school after the program.  Children from all the grades in the school had pictures of their veteran relatives lining the halls.  Grandpa's was up there too.  I think he enjoyed looking at them all to see if he recognized anyone. :)
It was our treat to have Grandpa and Darinda there for the program, but Grandpa wanted to thank us for inviting him by taking us all out for ice cream.  He had me check the girls out early, and we headed to Kirts.  Such a fun afternoon!

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