Saturday, November 22, 2014

~Family Vacation to Universal Studios- Day 4~

We thought we'd shake things up this trip and try out Universal Studios.  It was a lot of fun.  Dave hasn't been here since he was a kid, so everything was new to him.
Hunter wouldn't smile for the pictures because he was mad that I only gave him a half stick of gum, not a full stick. :)

Hunter and Mckell LOVED the rides at Universal Studios. Their favorite was The Mummy Ride.  I was glad that they had a kids play area for Garrett to play in while the kids went on the big rides.

While taking the studio tour, we had to be super quiet through one of the sections because they were filming a movie.  Dave swears he saw Daniel Craig in a tuxedo behind the black divider curtains they put up to kind of hide what was going on.  It was pretty cool.
Hunter trying to win a prize.  He came pretty close.
Enjoying some ice cream and a cookie.
Hunter was disappointed that we said we were going to go and see some of the shows.  He wanted to stick to the rides, but he was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed all the shows.
Universal Studios was a success!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you got to go to Disneyland with your cute family! I love that place. It looks like everyone had a lot of fun! Great Memories!
