Saturday, December 28, 2013

~Getting Her Ears Pierced~

For Christmas, Santa gave Mckell a coupon to get her ears pierced.  She was so excited and wanted to go first thing the day after Christmas, but she wasn't feeling great, so we waited a few days until she was feeling better.
Mckell was so excited, that is until she was sitting in the chair.  Then she started to get a little nervous.  In fact, she wanted to back out.  She said that she felt like she was going to throw up.  I told her she had to be tough, because there was a little girl standing there watching, waiting to get her ears pierced after Mckell.  I told Mckell that she had to make it look easy, because if she didn't she might scare this little girl off.  Mckell got tuff and did it :)  I know she was so happy she did!
She picked out her birthstone for earrings, and couldn't wait to get home to show Dave her knew look.   She looks so grown up with her ears pierced!

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