Friday, December 13, 2013

~Christmas Village~

Lexi had a fieldtrip to the Christmas village today.  It was soooo cold, but the kids had fun looking through all the houses and visiting with Mrs. Claus.
Andrew, Melyn, and Lexi.
About halfway through they village, the kids were done.  Andrew couldn't feel his toes, Lexi's fingers were hurting her, and Melyn was just cold.  I bribed them if they could finish looking at the houses, we'd go to McDonalds on the way home.  It worked!  I just need to make clear that it wasn't just these 3 that were complaining from the cold.  All the kids were, lol.
Garrett was snug in his blanket.
Lexi with Mrs. Claus.  Lexi informed Mrs. Claus that she wants a real live bunny rabbit for Christmas. Hahaha, that's not going to happen.
Garrett wasn't afraid at all to go sit on Mrs. Claus's lap.  Although he wanted nothing to do with a picture.  He just wanted the treat she was passing out :)

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