Monday, December 16, 2013

~When Do We get to Open A Present~

The kids have been asking for days when they would be able to open their first present for Christmas.  Well, tonight was the night.  We had the Smeding Christmas party, and a special visitor came bringing presents with him.  Santa! The kids were so excited.
Don't you love Hunter's socks, lol.  For some reason he likes wearing all my holiday socks, even if it is not the right holiday.

Garrett wasn't afraid of Santa.  He was more interested in the present Santa was holding than anything else.
Hunter's face says it all.  At first he wasn't thrilled with his gift.  But after he started playing with it, he had a lot of fun.

Hunter and Dave having a war with their Nerf guns.

My mom leading us in a few songs.

Garrett showing everyone his lizard.
Poor Lexi had a fever, so we made her stay in Dave and my bedroom for the party.  We did let her sneak out, just as Santa was leaving so he could give her a present.  She was so excited!
I love Christmas parties!  They make me feel like it is really Christmas.  I love this time of year!

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