Thursday, December 26, 2013

~The Ropelato Christmas Party~

Tis the season for family parties!  Jeff and Becky hosted the Ropelato family Christmas party this year.  The kids had a blast playing with all of their cousins.
Jasmin, Mckell, and Hayley.

A special visitor came, Santa!  And he brought all of the kids socks.

I was looking for Garrett and totally missed Mckell sitting on Santa's lap :(  So that is why I don't have a picture of her.
Larry, Dave, and Brent.
After our visit from Santa, the kids got all dressed up to do the Nativity.  Hunter wasn't thrilled, but I told him he has to participate in it until he is in Jr. High.  He was a good sport.
We had lots and lots of angels.  As you can see, the Ropelato's have plenty of girls.
Garrett was a wiseman.
I don't know if Jerry realized he was sitting right in the middle of the Nativity play that the kids were doing, lol.  Dave joked that he was the king. :)

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