Saturday, December 28, 2013

~Happy 11th Birthday Hunter!~

Hunter is now the big 1-1!  I can't believe it!  He is getting so grown up!  I'm not ready for my baby to turn 12 and be a young man, so I hope this year goes by slowly, lol.   We surprised Hunter with breakfast in bed.  Lexi thought this was so cool and wanted me to bring her breakfast to her in bed too. :)  I told her it had to be her birthday, so of course, she can't wait until it's her birthday!
Just after breakfast, I got a call from Dave at work.  I couldn't really understand what he was saying to me, but I could tell he was upset and I could make out "Come".  So I immediately jumped into the car and headed to his office.  It has been super stressful at work since a week or two before Thanksgiving.  Dave has been dealing with hackers getting into their systems and changing things.  He has been super stressed, and hasn't been able to eat or sleep for quite some time now.  Infact he has lost about 25 lbs since Thanksgiving, because of not being able to eat.  He has me worried, so I knew this call wasn't good.  When I got to his office, he had calmed down and could talk.  He explained that he thought he had a stroke.  He was talking to someone at work and all of a sudden started slurring his words.  He knew he sounded funny, but could not for the life of him get what he wanted to say come out.  He couldn't think either.  He tried, but couldn't think.  It shook him up pretty good.  We immediately went to the ER to get him checked.  When we got there his blood pressure read 170/120.  They hooked him up to all kinds of machines, and did all sorts of tests.  His EKG came back good, as well as his blood sugar.  Of course his blood pressure was off the charts, so they were concerned about that.  They did a scan of his brain and saw that everything looked ok.  So it was determined that Dave had a mini stroke but it didn't leave any damage to the brain.  Which is GREAT!!!  This was a huge scare, but we now have him taking blood pressure medicine to help control that.  It seems to be working.  Now if we can just get his stress at work to go away he'd be all better.  But I guess that is wishful thinking.
Dave and I spent the entire afternoon at the hospital, while Hunter stayed home to babysit.  He is such a good kid, cause I know this is not what he wanted to be doing on his birthday, but he didn't complain.  I felt bad for him, so when we got home, I let him call some friends over to go and play basketball over at the church.  We then opened gifts and then he headed out with my dad and brother Richard for a guys night out.  They were so nice to do this because they knew I wouldn't be able to take Hunter out with Dave being in his condition.  They are awesome for making Hunters birthday GREAT!  It is so good to have family!
Dave was so excited to give Hunter his very own gun :)  Hunter had fun shooting at pop bottles (he's a good little shot) and can't wait to go out shooting for real with his new gun.
Happy Birthday Hunter!  We are so glad to have you in our family!

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