Monday, December 16, 2013

~Stake Christmas Concert~

Every year our stake does a Christmas concert. They have a children's choir sing a few songs with the stake choir every year.  I was surprised, well let me rephrase that, I was SHOCKED when I got a call from our primary presidency telling me that Hunter and Mckell signed up to sing in the children's choir.  Mckell didn't surprise me.  She loves to sing.  She is the one who at the age of 4 would go up and sing with our wards impromptu choir, while Dave and I watched form the audience, lol.  I was surprised that Hunter signed up.  He doesn't really sing :).  I had to document this cause I don't  know if it will ever happen again :)
The concert was great and the kids did an amazing job.  I was so proud of them. After the concert, Hunter informed me that his friend, Ethan, told a bunch of the boys from our ward that he'd pay them if they sang in the choir, lol.  I understand now why Hunter signed up :)

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