For Lexi's friend birthday party, she wanted a princess party. She invited all of her little friends over to meet some real life princesses.
They made princess wands
Played games
and visited with some real princesses. We had Rapunzel and Jasmin come to wish Lexi a very Happy Birthday!
Lexi and Ella
Lexi, Lily, and Melyn
Lexi and Lauren
Lexi with Preslee
Dallas and Lexi
Lucy Brown and Lexi
Lucy Holtry and Lexi
The whole group. Lexi had a really fun birthday!
Saturday, September 21, 2013
~Weber High Cheer Camp~
The girls participated in the Weber High Cheer Camp this year, and had so much fun! They had lots of their neighbor friends participate with them, which made it that much more fun. they did such a good job, and looked so cute!
The girls had a lot of fun! I wish I got a picture of our whole group. We had 8 little neighborhood girls participate together. They were all so cute!
Lexi with Ashton, our good friend who is a Weber High Cheerleader. Lexi loves Ashton!
The girls had a lot of fun! I wish I got a picture of our whole group. We had 8 little neighborhood girls participate together. They were all so cute!
Lexi with Ashton, our good friend who is a Weber High Cheerleader. Lexi loves Ashton!
~5 Years Old~
Happy Birthday Lexi Lou! I can't believe my baby girl is 5 years old! Lexi is such a sweet girl. She is such a big helper with Garrett. He absolutely adores her. She is constantly making us laugh at the funny little things she says. She is so spunky. She is nice to everyone and is constantly making new friends. She LOVES school and loves dance. She is so smart, everyday she tells me that she needs to do her homework. Then she'll sit down and write her letters and numbers. She loves playing with her friends. Her favorite color is purple. Her favorite thing to eat is cheese. And she LOVES to ride her bike. Lexi is so much fun, and we are glad she is in our family.
Lexi sporting her Hawaiian lei that she made at school.
Lexi chose to go to Pizzeria for her birthday, then to Kirts for Ice cream cones. He were going to go to GET Air as a family, but with Hunter's shoulder hurt we didn't want him to be left out. We promised her we'd go when we get back from Hawaii because, hopefully Hunter's arm will be better then. She is such a good sport and was totally fine with it.
Lexi got a laptop that she has been asking for for quite some time. She can practice her numbers and letters on it, which she loves to do. She was thrilled!
Lexi sporting her Hawaiian lei that she made at school.
Lexi chose to go to Pizzeria for her birthday, then to Kirts for Ice cream cones. He were going to go to GET Air as a family, but with Hunter's shoulder hurt we didn't want him to be left out. We promised her we'd go when we get back from Hawaii because, hopefully Hunter's arm will be better then. She is such a good sport and was totally fine with it.
Lexi got a laptop that she has been asking for for quite some time. She can practice her numbers and letters on it, which she loves to do. She was thrilled!
~Hunter is One Tough Guy~
Last Thursday, at basketball practice, Hunter ran into a wall trying to save a ball from going out of bounds. He complained that he really hurt his shoulder, but wasn't crying and the shoulder wasn't even swollen, so I didn't think much about it. He complained about it again on Friday, but still went out to play with his friends after school, so I really thought it was just sore or bruised. Saturday he still said it hurt, but he played in his football game. Then Sunday he wanted to go to the doctor, at this point I told him that we could wait one more day, so on Monday we finally took him in after school. Well, he separated his shoulder. His piece of his shoulder bone was 1 inch off from where it was supposed to be. He is now in a splint, and told that football is over for the rest of the season :(.
Hunter is supposed to keep his arm in the sling for 10 days. He gets it off the day we leave for Hawaii. Let's just hope that his shoulder is healed by then. They told us if it isn't feeling better, then they will have to do surgery to pull his shoulder bone back where it is supposed to be. Let's just hope you don't have to do that :)
Hunter is supposed to keep his arm in the sling for 10 days. He gets it off the day we leave for Hawaii. Let's just hope that his shoulder is healed by then. They told us if it isn't feeling better, then they will have to do surgery to pull his shoulder bone back where it is supposed to be. Let's just hope you don't have to do that :)
Monday, September 16, 2013
~Lexi's Birthday Celebration Activities Take 2~
We had the Wangsgard side of the family birthday party for Lexi, which consists of my mom, dad, and Christian. Sad to think that come January, Christian will be gone too. So the days of birthday parties with aunt and uncles will no longer be (on the Wangsgard side at least).
Lexi as so excited to celebrate her birthday again. I told her that I would let her pick what we had for dinner at her party. She said she wanted that really good soup that Hunter knows how to make. A.K.A Ramen noodles. I knew my mom, dad, and Christian wouldn't be thrilled with the idea of Ramen noodles for dinner, so I made soups. Ramen Noodles and Potato soup. Lexi thought it was great that she got to pick what the dinner was.
Lexi couldn't wait to open her presents. She loved every one of her gifts, even the block of cheese my mom and dad gave her as a joke. Little did they know that Lexi's favorite thing to eat is cheese.
Lexi got all kinds of fun toys. From several princess Barbie dolls to Tinkerbell shoes. She was in heaven!
I can't believe my baby girl is going to be turning 5. Lexi has such a fun personality. I'm glad I am her mom!
Lexi as so excited to celebrate her birthday again. I told her that I would let her pick what we had for dinner at her party. She said she wanted that really good soup that Hunter knows how to make. A.K.A Ramen noodles. I knew my mom, dad, and Christian wouldn't be thrilled with the idea of Ramen noodles for dinner, so I made soups. Ramen Noodles and Potato soup. Lexi thought it was great that she got to pick what the dinner was.
Lexi couldn't wait to open her presents. She loved every one of her gifts, even the block of cheese my mom and dad gave her as a joke. Little did they know that Lexi's favorite thing to eat is cheese.
Lexi got all kinds of fun toys. From several princess Barbie dolls to Tinkerbell shoes. She was in heaven!
I can't believe my baby girl is going to be turning 5. Lexi has such a fun personality. I'm glad I am her mom!
Monday, September 9, 2013
~Lexi's Birthday~
Well, it isn't officially Lexi's birthday for another 10 days, but we got together tonight with the Ropelato's to celebrate the September birthdays. Darinda, Jocelyn, and Lexi.
Lexi had fun with her cousins, and can't wait for her other birthday celebrations to begin.
Lexi had fun with her cousins, and can't wait for her other birthday celebrations to begin.
~Our New Bishop~
So our ward got a new bishop yesterday. It was Dave. Yes believe it or not Dave is a bishop. This is totally an overwhelming experience. Dave and I both feel inadequate, but I know he was called from the lord. I hope and pray that we will not have too many people hating us when this is all said and done. We love our ward and can't think of any people we'd rather serve :)
Dave didn't want to give it away that he was bishop, so he asked all our family to come in after the sacrament and sit in the back. That is the first thing people do when they come into sacrament, look to see whose families are there so you know who the next bishopric will be. We didn't have anyone, lol. That is until after the sacrament.
Over this past month, the magnitude of this calling really hadn't hit me. I knew it was coming but wasn't worried about it. Dave on the other hand was, all month long. Well it hit me today as I was getting up. I was a mess. I just couldn't stop crying. It wasn't necessarily tears of sadness, just the spirit touching me, me not feeling worthy of this calling (I really don't see myself as a bishop's wife cause I don't feel mature enough), and just feeling the love of many ward members. After Sacrament meeting, they always have a reception line to say good-bye to the outgoing bishopric and congratulations to the new bishopric. Well I just couldn't stop crying. I was a mess. This is going to definitely be a learning experience for me. I know I'm going to have to let Dave get out of family things, give up some of our family vacation time, and give up our Sundays, Tuesday evenings, and Wednesday nights so he can serve our ward family. But I know as we serve, we will grow stronger as a family.
The kids are so excited about the idea of having their Dad as the bishop. I don't think any of us really know what to expect, lol.
I am proud of Dave for being worthy to hold this calling. I know he'll do a GREAT job, and he has some really GREAT men to work with.
Dave didn't want to give it away that he was bishop, so he asked all our family to come in after the sacrament and sit in the back. That is the first thing people do when they come into sacrament, look to see whose families are there so you know who the next bishopric will be. We didn't have anyone, lol. That is until after the sacrament.
Over this past month, the magnitude of this calling really hadn't hit me. I knew it was coming but wasn't worried about it. Dave on the other hand was, all month long. Well it hit me today as I was getting up. I was a mess. I just couldn't stop crying. It wasn't necessarily tears of sadness, just the spirit touching me, me not feeling worthy of this calling (I really don't see myself as a bishop's wife cause I don't feel mature enough), and just feeling the love of many ward members. After Sacrament meeting, they always have a reception line to say good-bye to the outgoing bishopric and congratulations to the new bishopric. Well I just couldn't stop crying. I was a mess. This is going to definitely be a learning experience for me. I know I'm going to have to let Dave get out of family things, give up some of our family vacation time, and give up our Sundays, Tuesday evenings, and Wednesday nights so he can serve our ward family. But I know as we serve, we will grow stronger as a family.
The kids are so excited about the idea of having their Dad as the bishop. I don't think any of us really know what to expect, lol.
I am proud of Dave for being worthy to hold this calling. I know he'll do a GREAT job, and he has some really GREAT men to work with.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
~Lexi's First Day of Preschool~
Lexi has been dying to start school. It has been torture for her to see Hunter and Mckell leave to school and her not go too. She was so excited that her first day of school was finally here.
Lexi is so funny! As she was getting ready, she put on her red pants and said, "Mom I think these pants make me look cute. Maybe the boys will want to kiss me" I told her that she did look darling, and that she'd better tell the boys that they can't kiss her. She makes me laugh.
Lexi loves to have her picture taken. She kept saying, "Mom, take a picture of me like this" She was striking her poses.
So we started the year off great! I told Mindy and Melyn that I'd come pick them up to go over to the school. I told her that school started at 12:30, so I'd come a little bit early so we could get pictures. Well when we got to school, everyone was already there and all the parents were gone. As Mindy and I left, we thought that was funny, because we had come early and the parents were no where in sight. Well as it turns out we were not early, we were late. School started at 12:00, lol. I guess that is the way to start off the year at a new school, NOT! Mindy and I laughed because we could only imagine what the teachers were thinking, lol
Lexi loved school! Her teacher, Ms. Jodi, commented on how cute Lexi was. As they were packing up their stuff to get ready to leave, Lexi threw her arms up in the air and yelled, "This was the Best Day Ever!" Her teacher thought that was adorable. Lexi is adorable :) She is so excited to have her two good buddies at school with her this year, Melyn and Andrew. It is going to be a fun year.
Lexi is so funny! As she was getting ready, she put on her red pants and said, "Mom I think these pants make me look cute. Maybe the boys will want to kiss me" I told her that she did look darling, and that she'd better tell the boys that they can't kiss her. She makes me laugh.
Lexi loves to have her picture taken. She kept saying, "Mom, take a picture of me like this" She was striking her poses.
So we started the year off great! I told Mindy and Melyn that I'd come pick them up to go over to the school. I told her that school started at 12:30, so I'd come a little bit early so we could get pictures. Well when we got to school, everyone was already there and all the parents were gone. As Mindy and I left, we thought that was funny, because we had come early and the parents were no where in sight. Well as it turns out we were not early, we were late. School started at 12:00, lol. I guess that is the way to start off the year at a new school, NOT! Mindy and I laughed because we could only imagine what the teachers were thinking, lol
Lexi loved school! Her teacher, Ms. Jodi, commented on how cute Lexi was. As they were packing up their stuff to get ready to leave, Lexi threw her arms up in the air and yelled, "This was the Best Day Ever!" Her teacher thought that was adorable. Lexi is adorable :) She is so excited to have her two good buddies at school with her this year, Melyn and Andrew. It is going to be a fun year.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
~Lexi is Neglected~
When Hunter and Mckell were little we went to the Dinosaur Park all the time. They loved it there. A few weeks ago, we were looking through some old pictures and Lexi informed me that she had never been to the Dinosaur Park before. What??? I couldn't believe I'd never taken her there, so I promised her we'd go as soon as the kids went back to school for full days. Today we went, and Lexi thought it was the greatest place on earth. She ran all through the park saying, "Mom, you've got to see this" She thought the dinosaurs were so cool.

Lexi kept saying that she wished she could live here.
So needless to say, our trip to the Dinosaur Park was a huge success. I think our next trip will have to be to the zoo (another place Lexi hasn't gone except when she was a baby, lol) We had a fun day with just the young'uns.
Lexi kept saying that she wished she could live here.
So needless to say, our trip to the Dinosaur Park was a huge success. I think our next trip will have to be to the zoo (another place Lexi hasn't gone except when she was a baby, lol) We had a fun day with just the young'uns.
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