Saturday, October 19, 2013


The next day I had a travel buddy.  Yeah!!!! Dave was able to spend the day with me, which was nice because he has been to Paris twice and never seen anything touristy.  Today we decided to go visit Versailles.

The palace is beautiful.  Each room is so exquisite.  To be honest, I liked the artwork and statues much more at Versailles than I did at the Louvre.  So beautiful!
The grounds.  We were amazed to find out that in the days of King Louis XIV, about 10,000 people lived here at the palace.  From the royal family, to servants, to the court.  That is a lot of people, but the palace and grounds are so large, that it could totally accommodate all those people.
Its funny because the summer between my Junior and Senior year of high school, I went with the German teacher and a group to Europe.  I spent 3 weeks traveling Europe.  We went to 5 different countries; Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, and England.  So I've been to France before.  But if you asked me what we did in France, I couldn't tell you.  Since we traveled to a new city a day, and saw many sites, it all blurred together.  I wouldn't have been able to tell you what we did in the different countries, or even what belonged to each site we visited.  I  could tell you the names of the places we visited, but what was in those places, I couldn't remember.  As I was visiting all the different sites of Paris, it all came flooding back.  Of what I saw back in high school, what I liked about each place, etc.  It was nice to remember :)

I figured Dave couldn't go back home without seeing a few more of the sites. So we visited a few that I'd saw the day before.  Then we headed out on a boat tour of the city.  It was cool to see the city at night.  Our favorite thing we saw on the boat tour was Notre-Dame.  It looked so pretty all lit up.
It was a fun trip.  I am really glad that I was able to tag along with Dave on his work trip. :)

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