Saturday, October 5, 2013

~Kauai~ Day 3~

On this day, our group split up.  In the morning one group went tubing through the old sugarcane mines.  The rest stayed back with the little ones who couldn't go. While the morning group was gone, the girls went and made sea shell necklaces in the hotel lobby, fed the fish, and went to look at the birds.
The girls loved making bracelets, Hunter wasn't interested in this at all, lol.  Who can blame him :)
We then got ready to meet up with the other group and swap out little ones, so the 2nd group could do the tubing activity.  It was a lot of fun!

Group 2.  The tubing activity was a lot of fun.  We went pretty fast through the mines.  There were a few slides which was fun.  It was also fun going through the dark tunnels.  They did give you headlights so you could see though.   Lexi was the leader of the whole group.  She was up front with 2 of the group guides, so she wasn't really with any of our group at all.  But she wasn't bothered by that.  The guides gave her flowers and plants to put in her helmet.  She looked like Thor at one point, with ferns sticking out both sides of her helmet ( I wish I had had a camera to take a picture).  When the ride was over, she told us that her and the tour guide are best friends :).  Mckell almost flipped over in one of the tunnels.  We were rounding a corner and she hit the wall, and the other tubes were running into her, pushing her tube up against the wall.  Since she was lighter than anyone there, her tube pretty much was flipping over.  Luckily one of the tour guides saw this happening and quickly swam to keep Mckell from flipping.  She  admitted she was a little bit scared that she might flip.  Luckily she didn't :)
The tube activity was a lot of fun.  The views driving up were beautiful, and the water was "refreshing". :)  The tour guides told us if we said any C or F swear words they would splash us.  The C and F swear words were "cold", "chilly", "freezing" and words like that.  So instead we could say the water was refreshing", lol.

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