Sunday, October 27, 2013

~Trunk or Treat~

This month has been so busy!  I haven't even had a chance to think about Halloween costumes.  I am so glad our ward had a trunk or treat, it forced me to get the costumes ready. And forced the kids to make up their minds of what they were going to be.
Mckell and Lexi were both Witches, which worked out perfect because Mckell has to be a witch for her school program on Halloween.
Garrett was an alligator.  He loved carrying his bucket around, but wasn't into getting candy.  He went to 2 cars, and then he was done.  He just wanted to carry his bucket around, which was all good with me.
Hunter was Rocky.  He really wanted to be Santa Claus, but for whatever reason I just didn't feel good about it.  I didn't feel it was appropriate to dress up for Santa on Halloween. And I didn't know if it was appropriate to dress up as Santa since there were lots of little kids around.  Maybe I'm over reacting, but Hunter was a good sport and picked another costume last minute.

Dave was a goblin/troll.  Garrett did not like Dave's mask.  At first he would run away from Dave crying for me to pick him up.  But after awhile, he would just growl at Dave.  He'd still run to me, but once I was holding him, he'd just look at Dave and growl.  It was funny.

Mckell with some of her friends.
I was a doctor.

Lexi and Lauren
The kids going through their candy stash.  They love Halloween!

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