Saturday, October 19, 2013


Dave had to go to Paris for work this last week.  We decided it might be fun if I joined him.  He hates traveling alone, and I can't blame him.  The timing wasn't super convenient.  After all, we just got back from a trip to Hawaii a couple of weeks ago, but I couldn't pass on this opportunity.  I mean how many chances do you get to go to Paris.  Not many. And my airfare and hotel was paid for, so it was a no brainer.

The first day was our traveling day.  We left Utah about 5:00 pm on Sunday and arrived in Paris about 11:30 am on Monday.  Surprisingly the flight wasn't too bad (probably because we all had our own tv screens, and there was several movies to choose from).  But once we got to Paris, I got a little frustrated.  The airport there is HUGE!!!!  We couldn't find our way out of the airport, and it didn't help that all the signs were in French.  Then when we tried to talk to someone, they didn't understand a thing we were saying, lol.  If they could make out what we were asking, they'd point in a particular direction and saying something in French, which Dave and I couldn't understand.  I got a little frustrated, well a lot frustrated, and Dave could tell :)  I have to admit, I never swear and I was swearing, lol.  We finally found a cab that took us to our hotel.  I couldn't wait to get out of the airport, I was so sick of that place (it didn't help that I hadn't slept in 24 hours).  But to my surprise, I found that our hotel was at the airport.  GREAT!!!!

Dave let me go to sleep for a few hours, which helped with my mood, and then we headed into Paris to get a feel of the metro system.  Dave wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing, since he'd be at work all day and not able to help me find my way around.  We found a place to eat, Pizza Hut (lame I know but we couldn't read any of the menus anywhere else) and then headed back to our hotel.  On our way back, we witness someone get mugged, which didn't make me feel all that comfortable about touring the city alone.  To be honest, I wasn't a fan of Paris so far.

The next day, Dave headed onto work early.  I was planning on getting up and going I and touring the city, but I couldn't get up.  I was so tired.  I slept the entire day.  Dave finally made it back to the hotel by 8:30pm, and we headed to dinner.  We just stayed close to hotel since it was so late.  Once again, everything on the menu was in French, so it was a little tricky to order.   Especially since our waiter didn't speak any English at all.  I ordered Spaghetti, which to my surprise was green.  And Dave got the alfredo, which was white, but different than what we are used to .  Our dessert, however, was to die for.  So good!

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