Saturday, October 5, 2013

~Kauai~ Day 5~

This morning a few of us went zip lining.  It was a lot of fun!  I felt bad for Jeff, Randee, and Darinda for having to stay back with all of the kids except Hunter and Jackie :).  But Darinda has already done the zip lining, Randee is pregnant, and Jeff just had knee surgery, so none of them could participate with us.  The scenery was beautiful, but where isn't it in Kauai?  It rained on us a few times, but it passed quickly so we could move on :)  Hunter loved it!
Swinging in the treetops!
I should be in the Olympics, lol
Me, Becky, and Jackie.
Stacey and Becky
After zip lining, Hunter and Jackie did the extreme swing. This is where, they lift you clear up to the treetops with a rope, you pull the rope then free fall down and swing.  Hunter had a blast and was upset he couldn't do it again, lol.  We had to get back to the resort, because we had one last activity to do before we headed back to Utah.  We were going to take a boat ride up to a fern grotto,  but with all the rain we got today, when we got to the entrance to the boat ride, we were told that the boat ride had been canceled because the rivers were to high.  They said that some of the roads were covered with water and there was no way we would be able to get under the bridges because of the high water.  So we all headed back to the resort for one last swim.
Before leaving he grotto, the kids found a coconut, so Dave pulled out his Hawaiian skills and opened it for them. Too bad it was rotten.

Before heading to the airport, we wanted to get one last picture.  One of our family in the Tunnel of Trees.  It didn't quite turn out the way we wanted.  You can't really see the trees, but oh well, it's a cute picture of me and the kids.
Our trip was way too short.  We could have stayed a few more days.  It was so fun!  I was a little worried about the flight home.  It was the red eye, and I was worried that Garrett wouldn't sleep and that he'd keep everyone else up.  But to my surprise, he and all the kids slept GREAT on the plane.  Like the entire way. It made the flight home go really quickly.  WE had a Great time in Kauai!  Thanks Jerry and Darinda for a fun family getaway!

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