Saturday, October 5, 2013

~Kauai~Day 4~

Today was our free day to do whatever we wanted, until that evening when we were going to a luau.  Most of us decided to stay and swim at the resort and play in the ocean.  Nate and Stacey's family went on a hike, but the rest of us played in the water all day.
Our little family went to the ocean to see the sun rise.

Garrett was being a bit of a whimp.  He did not like the waves touching his feet. :)
We fed fish again.  Some didn't get to do it the day before.
And the girls made necklaces again.  The rest of the day was for swimming!

Dave and the girls made a fort/castle to keep them safe from the waves reaching them.  It worked!
Hunter had fun playing in the waves.

Heading to the Luau
Our cute family!
The kids had fun participating in the pre-luau activities.
Hawaiian Tatoos
Lexi, Darinda, and Jocelyn were all invited up on stage to do the hula, since they all had birthdays in September.  They each got to bring a guest with them :)

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