Tuesday, December 12, 2017

~The Ropelato Christmas Party~

I was sad I wasn't able to attend the Ropelato party this year.  I had to be there to grab Hunter from basketball practice up at the high school.  I am so grateful to Darinda for taking pictures for me though. :)
I love this shot with the kids and their great grandparents, I hope they know how lucky they are to know their great grandparents.  I'm sad Hunter wasn't able to be in the picture.
Santa brought everyone the traditional socks.

Every year Darinda helps the kids put on the Nativity.  I love this tradition.
I'm glad they decided to get a shot of all the grandkids (the ones that were there) with Grandpa Mutt and Grandma Donna.  We are so grateful to live close to family!

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