Monday, December 11, 2017

~Playdate with Cousins~

This year I had a plan to do lots of fun little things with Garrett since he is my last child and since this will be his last year before going to elementary.  I had big plans to go on an adventure every week with him, but life has gotten in the way.  I find myself getting wrapped up in running errands, cleaning the house, wasting time on the computer, etc.  (I really need to be better with this).  Since Marc and Randee just had a baby, Mace, it was a good excuse to ignore the household everyday jobs and go steel Nash and Blakelee for the afternoon to go and play at Kangaroo Zoo.  It was fun to get to know both Nash and Blakelee on a one on one basis.  They sure are little cuties.
Cousin time is the best!

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