Wednesday, August 2, 2017

~Pirate Day~

My cute sister in law, Cassie, asked if Garrett would like to join her kids in dressing up for pirate day and going to Krispy Kreme to get free donuts.  Garrett LOVES pirates so we jumped at this chance to not only dress up, but get a free donut too.
Easton, Paisley, Grayson, and Garrett.  They are the cutest pirates ever!!!
Lexi had pirate day at school a few weeks later, so I had to throw her cute pirate picture in here too.  It's kind of a funny story about  her pirate day.  Well. . . funny now.  Things have been crazy so I didn't read the note that came home about pirate day very well.  I just glanced at it and saw that it said Wednesday was pirate day.  So we got Lexi all dressed up cute like a pirate.  About an hour into school, I got a call from her teacher saying that pirate day was the following week.  Whoops!!! Lexi was so embarrassed and begged me to bring her a change of clothes.  Mom fail!!!  She lucked out to get to dress like a pirate at school for 2 different days.  Lucky girl!  At least that is what I tried to convince her of, lol.
Mrs. Powell's 2nd grade class.

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