Friday, August 4, 2017

~Hunter's Eagle Scout Project~

I LOVE Hunter's scout leader!!!  I had been trying for months trying to get Hunter to decide on an Eagle scout project.  I gave idea, after idea, after idea, but Hunter just wasn't biting.  But his awesome young mens leader grabbed him and they together decided on an eagle project.  Thank You Kirk Jensen!!!!  Hunter decided to help clean the pesky goat heads on the canal road.  They are such a pain and are constantly popping our bike tires and getting stuck in our shoes then tracked home.  They hurt so bad to step on.  Hunter organized the project, set up a plan, did great at leading the group, and we even had donuts and juice afterwards.  It took a couple days to complete, but I'm so glad for Kirk's little nudge to Hunter so we could get this done.
Hunter had an amazing group on volunteers who came out to help.  I LOVE our ward!!!!  Now he is just waiting for 1 more night on his camping merit badge, then he is ready to get his Eagle.  Whoot! Whoot!

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