Monday, August 7, 2017

~Nightmare on 13th~

One of our yearly traditions at Halloweentime is going to a haunted house.  Nightmare on 13th is our favorite!  When I was a little girl, my dad would take me and my brothers to haunted houses, then as a youth me and my cousins always would go.  I LOVE haunted houses, so I was all more than willing to take Hunter and Mckell and some friends.  It was fun watching them get scared.
The funniest thing was to hear Ryker keep yelling at Calvin to get his hands of his waste, lol.  I was dying laughing.  We were walking in a single file line (which is what you do at haunted houses) and when Calvin would get scared he'd grab onto Ryker, lol, which Ryker didn't like.  It was hilarious!!!!  I love that these kids will let me hang out with them (although they didn't have much of a choice, hahaha)

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