Wednesday, August 2, 2017

~It's Great To Be 8~

Happy Birthday Lexi Lou!!!  I can't believe you are already 8 years old!!!  You are so beautiful, kind, smart, a great dancer, such a big helper, funny, and quick witted.  You bring so much love and joy to our family!
For Lexi's birthday we wanted to surprise her with a new bedroom. She got a new bed, dresser, decorations, etc.  It was so much fun getting her room ready for her surprise.
I was a little frustrated because I wanted to surprise her while she was at school the day before her birthday, but the delivery was delayed until that afternoon.  Luckily she had a friends birthday party that night so I figured we could have it all ready for when she got home.  No such luck, the delivery guys were still not done by the time we were picking her up.  Ughhh!!! So much for the big surprise.  She was still surprised, just it didn't go the way I had wanted.  Oh well, she loved her new room though!!!!  It really did turn out so cute!!!
We surprised Lexi with breakfast in bed the following morning for her birthday.  Then she picked to go to dinner that evening at Olive Garden and then to Lagoon's Frightmares.  It was a really fun birthday.
I love my little birthday girl!!!!

Lexi wasn't afraid of the scary dressed up guys walking all around.  Garrett on the other hand was terrified, lol.  It was such a fun night celebrating our favorite 8 year old!!!
I just wanted to add this picture of Lexi going on the Rocket for the first time.  The kids tried all summer to get her to go on this ride.  She wouldn't even consider it.  But Dave mentions it and she will go, lol.  The things she won't do for her dad, hahaha.  She hated it by the way!!!

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