Thursday, August 3, 2017

~Lexi's Baptism Day~

On September 30, 2016 this cute girl was baptized.  She had so many loved ones there.  Both of her grandmas gave amazing talks, Hunter and Mckell gave prayers, Garrett handed out the programs, her two grandpa's were the witnesses, and Dave baptized and confirmed her.  It was such a special day, and one I hope Lexi will remember.

The thing Lexi said she remembers about her baptism most was that when Dave dunked her in the water there wasn't a whole lot of water in the font, because there was issues with the drain holding water. So he ended up hitting her head on the ground trying to submerge her all the way in the water.  Darn leaky pipes, lol.
We had a little celebration at our house afterwards.  Our good friend Amity made Lexi these gorgeous rainbow cakes for her baptism.  We LOVE Amity's cakes!!!
Lexi with her Great Grandma Ropelato.  I love that my kids get to know their great grandparents.  It was such a special day celebrating Lexi's decision to follow her Savior.  I am so proud of the sweet girl Lexi is.
For Lexi's baptism pictures, she and I went up to the top of North Ogden Divide for a little photo shoot, just me and her.  Here are some of the pictures that were taken.  She is such a little beauty!
This one is my favorite!!!

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