Monday, August 14, 2017

~6th Grade Haunted House~

In 6th grade it used to be required to do this Haunted House project, however this year for Mckell's group it was optional.  They turned this assignment into a Haunted House contest. Mckell's house turned out pretty cool, but didn't win.  Oh well, I have a cute Halloween decoration now, lol

~Pumpkin Carving~

We love carving pumpkins.  It's always fun to see what the kids come up with each year.
Garrett and his cute little pumpkin.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

~Pumpkin Patch/Corn Maze~

Mckell, Lexi, Garrett and I went to The Corn Maze.  Lexi was feeling left out because she missed out on Black Island Farms and the Haunted House (which she really didn't want to go to anyways, lol)  I love how even though Mckell is getting older, she will still go with me to do these kinds of things.  Hunter wants no part of it, lol
We made it through the corn maze in no time at all, which is a must for me, lol.  I hate corn mazes!!!  I feel trapped!

I love that these kiddos will celebrate the holidays with me.  I love the holidays!!!

Monday, August 7, 2017

~Black Island Farms~

Garrett's cute little preschool class went to Black Island Farms.  I love all the fun things to do at Black Island Farms, and it was fun to have Easton and Paisley come with us.
I loved watching Garrett get so excited about picking out the perfect pumpkin.
One thing about Garrett is that he isn't daring.  At all!!!  I couldn't for the life of me get him to go down the big slides.  He's go down the little ones, but wouldn't even consider the big ones.  Maybe next year?
Garrett with his cute little preschool buddy, London.  I love that he has a friend from the neighborhood he can go to preschool with.

~Nightmare on 13th~

One of our yearly traditions at Halloweentime is going to a haunted house.  Nightmare on 13th is our favorite!  When I was a little girl, my dad would take me and my brothers to haunted houses, then as a youth me and my cousins always would go.  I LOVE haunted houses, so I was all more than willing to take Hunter and Mckell and some friends.  It was fun watching them get scared.
The funniest thing was to hear Ryker keep yelling at Calvin to get his hands of his waste, lol.  I was dying laughing.  We were walking in a single file line (which is what you do at haunted houses) and when Calvin would get scared he'd grab onto Ryker, lol, which Ryker didn't like.  It was hilarious!!!!  I love that these kids will let me hang out with them (although they didn't have much of a choice, hahaha)

Friday, August 4, 2017

~Book of Mormon Challenge~

Back in April I challenged my Beehive class to read the entire Book of Mormon by the end of the summer.  I told them if they completed my challenge we would go out for a really nice dinner.  Maggie, Jada, Diane, and I all completed this challenge and enjoyed a night out together at The Roof restaurant in Salk Lake.
I love my calling in the Beehives and I love these cute girls!!!

~Razor Ride~

A few weeks back Dave wanted to get things ready for the elk hunt, so as a family (minus Hunter, he was at basketball) we went down the soldier summit to check some things out and set up some tree cams.  It was a fun day riding the razors.  We found lots of animal bones, tree stands, other tree cams, and lots of animal tracks.
This was a dead rabbit.  The bones were in tac and it even still had fur, but no meat or organs. Yuck!!!

This little day trip was a success, because the tree cams got amazing footage of lots of elk, deer, bears, birds, squirrels, etc.  But Dave definitely knows where the animals like to go.  It was fun watching the footage on the tree cams.

~The Elk Hunt~

This year for the elk hunt, we made a little camping trip out of it.  We had my family all come up, well those that live around here.  The boys went out hunting in the mornings while the girls and kids played around camp.  It was a fun little get away.
The kids had fun doing crafts, decorating cookies, watching movies, playing games, making forts in the trees, going on little hikes, etc.

There were gorgeous views up at the top of the mountains.  The hunt was unsuccessful, but we had fun just getting away. (Mckell took this picture for her school's reflections contest)

~Hunter's Eagle Scout Project~

I LOVE Hunter's scout leader!!!  I had been trying for months trying to get Hunter to decide on an Eagle scout project.  I gave idea, after idea, after idea, but Hunter just wasn't biting.  But his awesome young mens leader grabbed him and they together decided on an eagle project.  Thank You Kirk Jensen!!!!  Hunter decided to help clean the pesky goat heads on the canal road.  They are such a pain and are constantly popping our bike tires and getting stuck in our shoes then tracked home.  They hurt so bad to step on.  Hunter organized the project, set up a plan, did great at leading the group, and we even had donuts and juice afterwards.  It took a couple days to complete, but I'm so glad for Kirk's little nudge to Hunter so we could get this done.
Hunter had an amazing group on volunteers who came out to help.  I LOVE our ward!!!!  Now he is just waiting for 1 more night on his camping merit badge, then he is ready to get his Eagle.  Whoot! Whoot!