Tuesday, December 26, 2017

~Merry Christmas~

The kids have already said that this Christmas has been the best one ever because Santa brought us Buddy.  But they couldn't wait to see what else Santa left them.  I kept telling them it wouldn't be like normal because they already got a dog.  But regardless of that Santa still brought a few other things for everyone.
Hunter wasn't up for taking any pictures.  He was sound asleep until I forced him to wake up at 12:30.  I guess he had stayed up all night playing the Xbox.  Infact, he was the one who woke the kids up at 5:30 to go see what Santa had brought.  He hadn't gone to bed at all yet.  After seeing what we got, he finally went to bed for the night, at like 6:30am!!!  That kid!!!
Dave wasn't feeling very good, so I didn't get a family picture of us all on Christmas morning.  But at least I got one of the kids.  These four are what make the holidays so great.  I love them to death.
For lunch, we visited with my side of the family.  We had lunch and exchanged gifts.
Mom and Dad with all the grandkids. 
We headed to Ropelato's for dinner (I'm bummed I didn't get any pictures there, oh well.  I'm sure all the men are grateful for that, lol)  Our family had a very Merry Christmas.  I'm kind of sad the season is at an end.  This is my favorite time of the year.

~Utah Jazz Vs San Antonio Spurs~

My dad got us the annual Jazz tickets to the Jazz vs Spurs game.  Dave was supposed to go with me, but ended up having problems at work so I ran back to the recital to grab Lexi.  She was a fun date, even though she isn't a big basketball fan.  Don't get me wrong, she loves going to Hunter's basketball games, but that mainly is because she loves playing with all the kids, not watching the actual games, lol.
We got fed a yummy dinner before the game where Lexi was able to visit with Santa.
We had amazing tickets!!! Row 2 right behind the Spurs bench.  Hunter was so jealous!!!
We even got fed treats at half time.  It was fun sitting with Richard and Cassie.
And the Jazz won!!! Whoo-hoo!!!  Lexi liked seeing all the confetti fall from the ceiling.
Lexi was such a fun little date!  Thanks Dad for the invite!

~Joy To The World~

Mckell's Christmas piano recital this year was at the South Ogden Library since our library is under construction.  Her recital was the same night as the Jazz game that we had tickets to, so we ran to her recital (luckily she was able to go first so we could see her), then we headed to the Jazz game.  She played Joy to the World and Away in a Manger.  Jerry and Darinda were good sports to cover for us and bring the kids home from the recital.  Mckell did great, although neither she nor I liked her Away in a Manger arrangement.  I didn't think it sounded like the actual song at all, lol.  I kept telling her she must be playing it wrong as she practiced, but she insisted that is the way it was supposed to sound.  Ellen also confirmed that to me, so I guess it was just the arrangement, lol.
Darinda was amazing and got some pictures of the group for me.  She is the best!!!
I'm a little bummed cause this is probably going to be Mckell's last recital :(   We made a deal that if she learned to play a church hymn that she could play in young womens, then she could quit.  She has learned to play "I am a Child of God" really well, so if she can play it with everyone singing along, she can be done.  I don't think I'm ready for that.  I love listening to my kids play, but I do have to say that Hunter plays all the time now.  Every morning when he wakes up he plays, when he gets home from school he plays, before bed he plays.  In fact he plays more than Mckell and she is the one taking the lessons.  He says he likes it now, because he can play songs he likes, and not what the piano teacher is making him play, lol.  Hopefully Mckell will do the same thing.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

~Lexi's 3rd Grade Christmas Play~

Lexi's class was putting on a Christmas play called "Santa Lost his Suit"  She was an elf named Holly.  She did a great job.  I was so proud of her.
I was so proud of Lexi.  She sang a solo during the program.  It was the song from Polar Express "When Christmas Comes to Town"  She did such an amazing job!!!
Lexi with her best buddy Jackie
Jackie, Lexi, and Annie
Lexi with her cute teacher Mrs. Wadman.
Lexi did such a good job today that Garrett and I decided to take her to lunch.  She chose Kirts.  I love hanging out with these two cuties!!!
The cute elves from Mrs. Wadman's Class play.

~Annual Wangsgard Candy Making Night~

We always look forward to getting together with the girls to make holiday chocolates.  I love this tradition.
What a goofy bunch, lol.

~Santa and Gingerbread Houses~

Lexi has had a lot of fun at school the last few days.  They had a special visit from Mr. and Mrs Claus and then made gingerbread houses.  Garrett was so jealous.  He told me that he really wants to make a gingerbread house.  We will see if we can squeeze that in. :)

~Garrett's Preschool Christmas Program~

Garrett has been looking forward to his preschool program for quite a while now.  He has been practicing the songs for weeks while we are in the car, while playing with his toys,  and even in the shower, lol.  He told me I was going to LOVE all the songs he was going to sing.
We stopped to visit with Santa before heading into the auditorium.

Garrett was the star of the program.  He sang the songs so loudly, totally went all out on his actions, and was just dancing his heart out.  It was the cutest thing ever.  And he really did stand out like a sore thumb, but in a good way.  He was so much fun to watch.  He had no fear.  My dad was laughing out loud at him, Lexi was mortified that he was drawing so much attention to himself, lol, and I had neighbors texting me that he was cracking them up.  One neighbor even videoed Garrett and sent footage to Dave who was in New York for work, because it was so funny.  He really did an awesome job.
I loved watching all of his facial expressions.
Such a cute little program by these 4/5 year olds.

It was nice to have both sets of Grandparents there to support Garrett.
Garrett with his cute SmartyPants Teachers. Ms. Lori, Ms Hali, Ms Jodi, and Ms Ashley.