Wednesday, August 24, 2016

~This Beauty is 11~

Happy 11th birthday Mckell!  You are such an amazing young woman.  You are responsible, great with kids, such a big help to both your dad and I, kind to everyone, so thoughtful, beautiful, a great dancer, a hard worker, and one of my best friends!  Our family wouldn't be the same without you.
We started the birthday celebrations off early.  We surprised Mckell by waking her up early and taking her to breakfast at Jeremiahs.  It made everyone a little late to school/work, but it was so worth it.

Garrett adores his big sister!
We decided to celebrate with everyone in the morning because we weren't all going to be together that evening.  Lexi had her dance competition at Weber State.  So Garrett, Lexi, and I went to the dance competition while Dave, Mckell, and Hunter went to the movies.  Then we all went out for milk shakes after.  Happy Birthday Mckell!!!

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