Thursday, August 4, 2016

~Disneyland~Day 5~

Garrett, Lexi, and I got up at the crack of darn to be in the park at 7:00am so we could sign up for Jedi Training.  We literally rolled out of bed and went into the park, pj's and all.  Little did we know that you couldn't start signing up for Jedi Training until the actual park opened at 8:00 am.  Whoops!  We were like the 2nd person in line though, so we got to pick whatever time that day that we wanted to be in the Jedi training show.
We decided that since we were already up, and that the lines weren't long we might as well go on some rides.  We hit the rides we knew Hunter, Mckell, and Dave didn't care about missing.
The early morning was so worth it to be able so see Lexi and Garrett fight the "dark side".
Garrett was a hoot to watch.  He wasn't following directions at all, lol.  They handed him a light saber and he totally zoned everyone else out.  It was just him and his light saber.  Too funny!!!  One of the Jedi's kept having to go over to him to tell him to hold the light saber still until they told him what to do.  Lexi was so embarrassed.
Lexi got to fight the Sith's sister. sixth sister, or something like that???  I'm assuming she will be in one of the new movies, lol.
Garrett got to fight Darth Vadar.  He was so excited!
Garrett didn't want to give his light saber back.
It was fun to have everyone together.  It's been awhile.

In line for the Matterhorn.  Garrett was not happy that I kept making him go on the "big" rides.  Poor kid!
Richard and Cassie didn't join us in the park today, so we went outside of the park to have dinner with the entire family.  As you can see, Lexi, Garrett and my early morning made it hard for all of us to make it through dinner.  Garrett and Lexi didn't make it, lol.
Dave and I took Garrett and Lexi and we went back to bed.  Hunter and Mckell stayed out with the others to make it a late night.  They all had a lot of fun.

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