Friday, August 5, 2016

~Disneyland ~ Day 6~

We got up bright and early for one of our favorite character dinings, Breakfast with Minnie and Friends.  The food is great and you get to interact with all of the different characters.  So much fun!
My mom and dad were the only ones who joined us this morning for breakfast.  Everyone else missed out :)
Tigger playing with Garrett, lol
Rafiki teaching Garrett how to dance.

Garrett saying good-bye to the characters.  He could have stayed here all day.
Since this was our last day in the park we let the kids pick what they wanted to do.  Mckell, Lexi, and Garrett were dying to go swimming in the hotel pool.  So even though it was cold, that's what we did.  Well everyone but Hunter.  He wanted to stay in the park and go on rides since he missed a day for being sick.

We thought it would be fun to go meet Kilo Ren.  He wasn't nearly as nice as Chewy was, lol.  The kids ran up to give him a hug and he stepped away from them, lol.  They didn't know what to think of that. Hahaha

We are so sad this trip has come to an end.  It was so much fun!!! A lot of people said we were crazy for doing Disneyland for 5 days straight.  They said we'd get sick of it for that long, but we didn't.  It was so much fun.  In fact, I could have stayed for another 5 days.  Such a fun trip, and a great way to spend my birthday.

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