Tuesday, August 23, 2016

~Spring Break~

When it's spring break you've got to get out of the cold weather and head for the sun, right?  We decided to take advantage of having a cool house in St George and head for the sun for spring break.  So glad Jerry and Darinda let us crash at their place.  Dave was stoked to take the boat down and check out Sand Hallow.  The water was still freezing but the air temps were great!
Lexi's favorite thing to do on the boat is to dance her heart out, lol.
Soaking up the sun.
Dave was the only one crazy enough to brave the freezing cold water temps to attempt surfing.  It took him a good 20 minutes to ease into the water.  He's nuts!!!
He got up  once and then was done, lol.  The water was just too cold.
We decided to head back to warm water and Jerry and Darinda's house.  Grandpa ended up throwing Mckell in, so she just swam in her clothes for a while, lol.
The way we earn our keep.  Put Garrett to work cleaning, lol.
Dave invited some friends down to join us.  The Thomas and Bollos families.
The men took the kids on a day hike while the women, plus Hunter and Mckell, hit the outlet malls to do some shopping.

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