Wednesday, August 10, 2016

~Easter Morning~

Since Hunter was gone over the weekend it kind of threw off our Easter traditions.  Jerry and Darinda promised to have him home in time for church, but we couldn't make the others wait to see what the Easter Bunny had left them, so they went hunting for their baskets before Hunter was even home.
Lexi's basket was hidden in Dave and my closet.
Mckell's basket was hidden in the cold storage.
Garrett's basket was hidden in the castle under the stairs.
The minute Hunter got home he started looking for his basket.  Good thing too cause we needed to start getting ready for church.
Hunter's basket was hidden in the storage room.  We missed Hunter this weekend.  I don't like having my kids gone, especially over the holidays.  Hunter did make the comment that he didn't ever want to do that again.  He didn't like missing the holiday celebrations either.

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