Friday, August 26, 2016

~More Dance Competitions~

We are living and breathing dance competitions lately.  Well, that and basketball, lol.  These kids keep us so busy, but I wouldn't want to be doing anything else.

~The Simple Joys in Life~

Garrett is such a little trooper to run with me everywhere I have to go.  We have been to the mall several times and he has begged to ride the train.  We've always been in a hurry and so I've never let him.  Well this time at the mall, I decided to take time and let him ride it.  He was in heaven, and couldn't wait until he could tell Lexi that he got to ride the train.

~Lexi's First Grade Program~

I loved watching Lexi's 1st grade program.  She is the funnest to watch singing because she gets so into it.  I love her to death!

She has the cutest classmates!

Lexi's teacher, Mrs. Wadman, is the sweetest.  For a the program, Lexi had to hold up this alligator stuffed animal of Mrs. Wadmans.  After the program was over, Mrs. Wadman let Lexi keep it.  So sweet of her.  We love Mrs. Wadman!
Lexi did such a great job, that we celebrated with her favorite treat.  Grasshopper shakes at Kirts.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

~Dance Competition at Weber State~

The dance competition at Weber State is one of the bigger dance competitions that we do.  It lasted 2 days for us.  Lexi performed on Friday, and Mckell performed on Saturday.  I love watching these girls dance!
It was fun to have Grandma Susan there to watch both girls perform.  She was working the competition.
These girls crack me up with their funny faces :)
Mckell spent her birthday weekend doing what she loves.  Dancing.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

~This Beauty is 11~

Happy 11th birthday Mckell!  You are such an amazing young woman.  You are responsible, great with kids, such a big help to both your dad and I, kind to everyone, so thoughtful, beautiful, a great dancer, a hard worker, and one of my best friends!  Our family wouldn't be the same without you.
We started the birthday celebrations off early.  We surprised Mckell by waking her up early and taking her to breakfast at Jeremiahs.  It made everyone a little late to school/work, but it was so worth it.

Garrett adores his big sister!
We decided to celebrate with everyone in the morning because we weren't all going to be together that evening.  Lexi had her dance competition at Weber State.  So Garrett, Lexi, and I went to the dance competition while Dave, Mckell, and Hunter went to the movies.  Then we all went out for milk shakes after.  Happy Birthday Mckell!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

~Spring Break~

When it's spring break you've got to get out of the cold weather and head for the sun, right?  We decided to take advantage of having a cool house in St George and head for the sun for spring break.  So glad Jerry and Darinda let us crash at their place.  Dave was stoked to take the boat down and check out Sand Hallow.  The water was still freezing but the air temps were great!
Lexi's favorite thing to do on the boat is to dance her heart out, lol.
Soaking up the sun.
Dave was the only one crazy enough to brave the freezing cold water temps to attempt surfing.  It took him a good 20 minutes to ease into the water.  He's nuts!!!
He got up  once and then was done, lol.  The water was just too cold.
We decided to head back to warm water and Jerry and Darinda's house.  Grandpa ended up throwing Mckell in, so she just swam in her clothes for a while, lol.
The way we earn our keep.  Put Garrett to work cleaning, lol.
Dave invited some friends down to join us.  The Thomas and Bollos families.
The men took the kids on a day hike while the women, plus Hunter and Mckell, hit the outlet malls to do some shopping.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

~Student Council~

Mckell has had so much fun this year on the student council.  She has opened assemblies, sold candy bars for the school at the local grocery store, gave morning announcements, helped go through food for the school food drive, and helped with students before school.  I have been so proud of her for being so outgoing and responsible.  She truly is an amazing young woman!
Mckell has had fun being on the student council with these kids.
Their advisor Mrs. Leemaster is so much fun and truly loves each one of the kids.
I'm glad Mckell got this opportunity to be on the student council.  She was bummed that she didn't get to be on it her 6th grade year too. (they only let you be on it one year so others have a chance to do it too)