Friday, January 16, 2015

~Winter Dance Recital~

The girls did such a good job in their dances at their dance recital last night.  They really are such good dancers!
Mckell's comp group did a witch dance to the songs "I put a Spell on You" and "Bewitched".  It was a darling dance.  Garrett couldn't wait to see it.  All night he kept asking "witches?" wondering when Mckell was going to dance.  It was cute!  Lexi danced to "Little Red Riding hood"  She did such a great job!  It was fun to watch the 2 of them.

At the end of the recital, they had an awards ceremony.  Each of the recreation dance teachers picked 1 girl from their class who either was a hard worker, most improved, always happy, etc. to give a dancer of the month award to.  Lexi got it from her class for being a hard worker.  She was so proud of her award!  Way to Go Lexi!!!!
I know I've said it before, but my kids are so lucky to have both sets of grandparents around to support them in their activities.  It is fun to have them join us for things like this.
We celebrated a job well done with dinner at Dylans.
You can't have a dance recital without giving the dancer flowers.  The girls always look forward to this.  This time they got so many flowers that they each needed 2 vases to fit them in.

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