Friday, January 2, 2015

~Hunter's Pre Birthday Celebration~

Hunter always gets shafted on his birthday being so close to Christmas and all, so this year I thought I'd try to spoil him with birthday celebrations.  The day before his birthday we took him to a movie, The Hobbit, then as a family we went to his favorite restaurant, Rodizio Grill.
Everyone ate themselves full.  The weirdest thing Hunter ate was chicken hearts.  Mckell decided to try them, but didn't care for them at all.  Garrett loved when they sang "Happy Birthday to Hunter with the drums.  It was cute, he was dancing to the beat :)
The kids standing by our new Tahoe.
When we got home, we let Hunter open 3 presents..One was a new piano book (which he was thrilled about, hahaha), the other was clothes and basketball socks, and he got new shoes.
We love Hunter so much and hope he has a GREAT 12th birthday!

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