Friday, January 2, 2015

~Happy 12th Birthday Hunter!!!~

Wow, I can believe my baby is officially a young man!  It is crazy how fast time goes!
Here are a few facts about Hunter on his 12th birthday:
Height- 61 3/4 inches (so just shy of 5 ft 2 in) 80-85th%
Weight- 88 lbs - 50th%
Favorite Sport- Basketball (he goes to the gym everyday to practice)
Favorite Food-  steak, pizza, and ramen noodles
Favorite Subject in school- recess (I don't think that counts as a subject)
Favorite pass times- basketball, hanging out with friends, working out, and video games
The party celebrations continued today.  Our family got up early to take Hunter to IHOP for a birthday breakfast.  We then opened all his gifts, and then he, Dave, and Mckell went to see Mockingjay.
Hunter got more clothes, ping pong paddles and ping pong balls, decorations for his room, and church ties.
That evening we had a big party for all of the family at Fat Cats.
We bowled, ate pizza, opened gifts, and played in the arcade.  It was a fun night.

I think Hunter was sick of me taking pictures, cause he was starting to be a smart-alic and purposely turning his head to not be looking at the pictures.  The little butt :)
Hunter had a great birthday!  We had more celebrations the following day, when he received the priesthood.  We had everyone over afterward for a luncheon. (don't know why I didn't get any pictures).  It was a whole weekend of birthday celebrations!  Happy Birthday Hunter!

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