Saturday, January 3, 2015

~We Have Been Blessed~

It is crazy to see another year come and go.  As I look back on 2014, I realize how truly blessed we have been.  We made many great memories this year, from our family trip to Disneyland to fun family outings that we have gone on.  Looking back to how the year started with Dave's health issues from stress at work, I have to say how grateful I am that this year ended on a good note.  I am so grateful for each member of our family.  They are my whole world and bring me so much happiness.
Some highlights for 2014 were:
The Ogden Temple was rededicated.  It was so neat that we were able to go as a family to walk through it. Then Dave, Hunter, Mckell, and I were able to go to the temple dedication inside the Ogden temple.  That is an experience I'll never forget, and I hope my kids won't either.  I know they felt the spirit.
Lexi graduated from preschool and moved into Kindergarten.  She is growing up!
Dave and Jerry continue to coach Hunters basketball team the Redhawks.  They are a fun group of boys!
Mckell survived getting her tonsils out, as well as, getting her first root canal.  Tough summer for Mckell, lol.
Our family had an awesome time in Disneyland, going on camping trips, and making a few trips down to St George.
Dave had to have 2 different surgeries to have 2 kidney stones removed.  Not really a highlight, but memorable, especially since it had been many, many years since his last kidney stone.  Let's hope we can go all of 2015 without him having one :)
Hunter turned 12 and got the priesthood.  He will be passing the sacrament for his first time next week.
We truly have been blessed this past year.  I love this family of mine, and look forward to what 2015 brings.

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