Thursday, January 1, 2015

~Christmas Evening with the Wangsgards~

Christmas was a very busy day.  We headed from one place to the other all day.  After visiting with the Ropelatos for lunch, we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Wangsgard's house for dinner and to exchange gifts.  For some reason we ended up being the only ones who came for dinner.  Mitch and Toni came for lunch and so did Richard and Cassie.  So they didn't stay long after we got there.  No biggie though.  The kids still had fun.
Lexi's gift was super tiny.  She was a little disappointed because it was so small.  She was even more disappointed to open it and find that it was just a little piece of paper.  It was funny cause she still tried to be polite and smile at the gift, but you could tell she wasn't super thrilled.  Grandpa Wangsgard read for her the paper.  It said to go look in the formal living room under a blanket.
Lexi found her art desk!  She was ecstatic!!!  It was just what she wanted!!!
We hadn't gotten any snow at all so far this winter, I had a hard time getting in the Christmas spirit because it was still so warm and not white at all, not even in the mountains.  We all were pleasantly surprised to wake up Christmas morning to snow!  Lots of snow!  So as soon as we got home from visiting with family, that is the first thing the kids wanted to do.  Go play in the snow.
It was a GREAT Christmas!  And I am so happy that we got to spend it with family.

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